Admissions Qualifications

The Program welcomes applications from individuals with clinical or research experience in a health or rehabilitation related field (e.g., physical or occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, nursing, physiatry, engineering, etc.). U.S. clinical certification and/or licensure is preferred (international licensure considered), but not required. Applicants with international licensure will be considered. Applicants must have a Masters (MS or MA) degree.

In order to be admitted, a student must have a Research Mentor identified. The Research Mentor is an experienced/active investigator who is engaged in a well-established program of research that aligns with the interests of the student. The Research Mentor may be an IHP Faculty member or adjunct professor with primary affiliation at another institution. The Research Mentor must formally commit to providing the time, training and mentorship necessary for the student to develop and execute a successful dissertation.

Admission decisions are based on grade point averages (undergraduate and graduate), a written personal statement, written recommendations from former professors/clinical supervisors/colleagues, scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and a personal interview (when deemed necessary to make a final decision)