1.2 Program Outcomes

The program is designed to provide several advantages that promote success in completion of our prerequisite courses, such as/including:

  • Skilled Instructors: Learning from practicing clinicians and researchers who know firsthand how the basic sciences required for admission to graduate school are used in clinical practice and research.
  • Laboratory Experiences: Participating in rigorous remote laboratory learning experiences which can include both virtual and hands-on laboratory learning. As in traditional instruction, these learning experiences have been selected to align with the didactic curriculum and designed to replicate the essential experiences that a student would encounter in an on-site lab.
  • Academic Support: Accessing further academic support from trained tutors, teaching assistants, or lab instructors when needed.
  • Flexibility: Studying and learning where you want and when you want. You don't have to log in to your class at a specific time each week. Our courses are organized into week-long modules that allow you to plan your time for reading, reflecting, and participating in each week's activities.
  • IT Support: Receiving personal technical support Monday through Saturday from the MGH Institute Office of Information Technology. Additional (24/7) support is available through the Mass General Brigham Help Desk.