Requesting Services

Making Requests in a Timely Manner:

Advanced planning is needed to ensure the timely provision of appropriate accommodations. A qualified student with a disability may not be excluded from a program due to lack of appropriate services. However, all services may not be on hand at all times. Therefore, it is important to allow sufficient time for a program and/or the institution to put accommodations and appropriate auxiliary aid(s) into place. Therefore, students must turn in their requests for accommodations within an appropriate time frame, usually 6 weeks prior to the beginning of the next term for which the accommodations are being requested. If a request is submitted after the relevant deadline, the Student Services will make every reasonable effort to accommodate the request but cannot guarantee that an untimely request can be met. Untimely requests may result in delay, substitutions, or denial of accommodation.

How to Request Services:

Students requesting accommodations are required to submit a Disability Services Request Form, indicating the specific accommodations being requested along with documentation which shows the current disability and its impact on academic functioning. Documentation must be current (within the last five years). Forms and documentation should be submitted to Student Services, in the Office of Student Affairs (Building 39). Forms are available on the Institute's website, as well as in the Office of Student Affairs. Once a request is approved, students are responsible for submitting an Accommodations Request form per class each semester by the end of the add/drop period, indicating which accommodations they will need. The Manager of Student and Disability Services will send a letter to the faculty member teaching the class, as well as to the student, indicating the accommodations the student will be using for the semester.

Please see Disability Services on the Institute website for additional information and request forms.