Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy

Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Degree

The online Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy (tDPT) Program enables physical therapists who are licensed practitioners in the US and who hold either a bachelor’s or master’s degree in physical therapy to earn a Doctor of Physical Therapy designation through a combination of coursework and documentation of professional experience (portfolio).

As physical therapists play an increasing vital role in the delivery of quality health care in this nation, the baseline of what is considered minimum credentialing for professional practice has advanced as well. The DPT degree serves as a credential, similar to the MD for medicine, the OD for optometry, and DPM for podiatry. The transitional DPT Program provides current requirements needed to enter the profession and represents the completion of a comprehensive program and the fulfillment of high standards of clinical performance in professional preparation. It does not, however, signify advanced preparation or specialization.