Substance Abuse Policy

The MGH Institute of Health Professions is a drug-free workplace. As such, the Institute is committed to maintaining a safe, healthful, and efficient educational environment in which students can learn through a variety of experiences. It is the policy of the Institute to maintain an environment that is free of impairment related to substance abuse by any of its students.

Each student must notify the Institute of any state or federal drug-related charge for a violation occurring in the workplace or school, whether or not resulting in a conviction, no later than five business days after such charge. The Institute must notify the appropriate government agencies of any employee or student conviction.

The Institute expects students to be in a condition free of the influence of alcohol and drugs, and to remain so while they are at the Institute and carrying out educational responsibilities. Employees and students shall refrain from drug and alcohol abuse use as well as possession, sale, or unlawful distribution on Institute or MGH property. Violation of this policy may result in corrective action up to and including dismissal or discharge.

The MGH Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides complete confidential help to students who suffer from alcohol or drug abuse and other personal or emotional problems. However, it is the responsibility of each student to seek assistance from EAP before alcohol and drug problems lead to corrective action, which can include dismissal for a first offense.