General Polices and Procedures

Faculty and Student Travel Policy

This policy establishes approval policy for faculty and student travel 25 miles beyond their home or Institute area that is within the scope of the faculty and students duties but not part of a course requirement or clinical affiliation.

Application: All faculty and students

Compliance Responsibility: Program directors

Policy and Procedure:

When a faculty member and/or student travels 25 miles beyond their home or Institute area for activities related to the faculty member and/or student(s) scope of responsibility (e.g. a research project), but not part of a course requirement or clinical affiliation, the faculty member submits the Faculty and Student Travel Form to her/his Program Director for approval in advance of the travel.

It is filed in the faculty member(s) program file and a copy is submitted to the Office of Student Affairs to the attention of the Registrar for filing in the student(s) file.

Latex Allergy Policy


Provide an environment that is as latex-free as possible for employees and students.


To assure learning and working environment that is as latex-free as possible. Latex-free environments are seldom available in either clinical or academic settings. Therefore, the following information is being presented to inform employees and students of the potential risks associated with exposure to latex.


Latex allergy is a reaction to proteins which are in natural rubber. Allergic reactions to these proteins are usually immediate but may be delayed in some instances. Approximately 8-12% of health care workers are sensitized to latex. People who are most at risk are people who have tendencies toward allergic conditions, people with spina bifida and people who have food allergies. Risk is minimized by using powder-free gloves and avoiding using oil-based hand creams when wearing latex gloves.

A person is still exposed to latex residue of others working in the area or to latex present in the equipment, models and mannequins while wearing alternative vinyl or nitrile gloves. Although latex gloves are the most prominent source of latex allergen, many other products contain latex including, but not limited to:

  • Stethoscopes, catheters, respirators, and goggles
  • Blood pressure cuffs, medication vials, syringe connectors and wound drains
  • Endotracheal tubes, syringes, IV tubing and tourniquets
  • Erasers, paint, computer terminals, etc.


Employees and students who may have developed symptoms matching the definitions of latex allergy are encouraged to consult their primary care physician. Such consults are at the expense of the employee or student.

The responsibility of understanding the risks associated with exposure to latex during a clinical education and healthcare career, even when reasonable precautions are made lies with the employee or student who has the latex sensitivity. Such precautions may include carrying of an epi-pen by the individual or other recommendations made by the healthcare provider.

Use of latex gloves is prohibited within campus facilities of MGH Institute of Health Professions. In addition:

  1. Latex-fee and powder-free gloves will be provided in all lab areas.
  2. Use / display of latex balloons is prohibited on campus
  3. Educational material on latex allergies will be provided to students / employees on an annual basis by human resources and office of student affairs (student catalog/faculty handbook). Included will be participating in Latex Allergy Awareness Month each October.
  4. Personnel should be aware and help to identify existing items on campus that contain latex that may need to be eliminated or have warning labels posted
  5. As existing equipment is replaced, non-latex equipment should be considered when purchased, if available. If non-latex materials are not available, skin contact precautions will be utilized with anyone who has a latex allergy or sensitivity.
  6. Departments needing to use latex products should communicate accordingly to constituents and label or post warnings as needed about the use of latex and allergy sensitivities
  7. The Institute is not responsible if a clinical affiliation site does not provide a latex free environment.
  8. For Institute events employees are to use caterers who confirm non-use of latex gloves with food preparation. A list of current vendors who do not use latex gloves is located on the Intranet under Event Planning.
  9. Latex restrictions in planning events are listed within the Event Planning Guide located on the Intranet and are to be followed by all employees.

For more information on latex sensitivity, i.e.,

  1. What are the symptoms of latex allergy?
  2. Who is at risk?

Please visit the following web sites:

American Latex Allergy Association:

Center for Disease Control:

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy

It is the policy of the Institute to ensure that all employees and students work and learn in a positive and productive educational environment that is free from sexual harassment or activities that can be viewed as such. It is expected that all employees and students will act responsibly to establish an environment free of sexual harassment.

Definition of Sexual Harassment in Massachusetts: Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (a) submission to or rejection of such advances, requests, or conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of employment or as a basis for employment decisions, such as promotions, scheduling vacations, etc.; or (b) such advances, requests, or conduct have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or sexually offensive work environment.

Sexual harassment may occur regardless of the intention of the person engaging in the conduct. While it is not possible to list all those circumstances that constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples of conduct, which, if unwelcome, may constitute sexual harassment, depending upon the totality of the circumstances, including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness:

  • sexual advances whether or not they involve physical touching;
  • requests for sexual favors in exchange for actual or promised job benefits such as favorable reviews, salary increase, promotions, increased benefits, or continued employment;
  • sexual jokes;
  • use of sexual epithets, written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one’s sex life, comment on an individual's body, comment about an individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess;
  • displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons;
  • leering, whistling, brushing against the body, sexual gestures, suggestive or insulting comments;
  • inquiries into one's sexual experiences;
  • discussion of one's sexual activities; and
  • assault or coerced sexual acts.

Either sex may be the harasser. Any student who feels he or she has been sexually harassed has several ways to make his or her concerns known:

  • If the student can comfortably do so, he or she should inform the person engaging in the harassment that the conduct is offensive and must stop.
  • If the student doesn't wish to communicate directly with the person or if such communication hasn't brought results, the student has the right to file a complaint with the Office of Student Affairs (OSA). This may be done in writing or verbally by contacting the Dean of Student Affairs.

Sexual Harassment Investigation and Corrective Action

When a complaint is received, the Office of Student Affairs will promptly investigate the allegation in a fair and expeditious manner. The investigation will be conducted in such a way as to maintain confidentiality to the extent practicable under the circumstances. Our investigation will include a private interview with the person filing the complaint as well as the person alleged to have committed sexual harassment. When we have completed the investigation, we will inform the interested parties of the results of that investigation, but it shall not be otherwise disclosed unless required by law.

Disciplinary Procedure for Sexual Assault

To report an incident of sexual assault, contact the OSA to discuss options and procedures.

If a formal complaint is filed with OSA, the Dean of Student Affairs will:

  • Notify the accused.
  • Conduct an investigation.
  • Make a finding on the complaint and determine the appropriate sanction.

If appropriate, both the accused and the accuser are entitled to:

  • Appear in person.
  • Have others present during the disciplinary proceeding.
  • Identify witnesses and character references to be interviewed in their defense or as part of the fact-finding process.
  • Be informed of the outcome (the final determination and sanction imposed) of a disciplinary proceeding. This does not constitute a violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Both the accuser and the accused shall be instructed that the outcome is confidential.

The entire process will be conducted in a reasonable amount of time, usually not to exceed 15 business days. The finding and outcome will be communicated in writing to both the accused and the accuser.

Smoking Policy

The MGH Institute of Health Professions, as an academic affiliate of Massachusetts General Hospital, accepts and endorses the conclusion reached by the Surgeon General of the United States and the Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Health regarding the hazards of smoking, and recognizes the limitations on smoking established by Massachusetts law. It also recognizes that as an institution of higher education dedicated to health care, it has an especially visible role in seeking to minimize those hazards.

The Institute campus is smoke free. Smoking is prohibited in the interior as well within 15 feet around the perimeter of buildings. Individuals who wish to smoke must do so at least 15 feet from buildings, doorways, and sidewalks.

If an individual has a complaint with respect to the smoking policy it should be sent in writing to:

MGH Institute of Health Professions

Manager of Operations

Charlestown Navy Yard

36 1st Avenue

Boston, MA 02129

Substance Abuse Policy

The MGH Institute of Health Professions is a drug-free workplace. As such, the Institute is committed to maintaining a safe, healthful, and efficient educational environment in which students can learn through a variety of experiences. It is the policy of the Institute to maintain an environment that is free of impairment related to substance abuse by any of its students.

Each student must notify the Institute of any state or federal drug-related charge for a violation occurring in the workplace or school, whether or not resulting in a conviction, no later than five business days after such charge. The Institute must notify the appropriate government agencies of any employee or student conviction.

The Institute expects students to be in a condition free of the influence of alcohol and drugs, and to remain so while they are at the Institute and carrying out educational responsibilities. Employees and students shall refrain from drug and alcohol abuse use as well as possession, sale, or unlawful distribution on Institute or MGH property. Violation of this policy may result in corrective action up to and including dismissal or discharge.

The MGH Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides complete confidential help to students who suffer from alcohol or drug abuse and other personal or emotional problems. However, it is the responsibility of each student to seek assistance from EAP before alcohol and drug problems lead to corrective action, which can include dismissal for a first offense.

Unauthorized Use of Institute Name Policy

The Institute name may not to be used for any event or by any organization without the permission of the Director of Communications. Anyone using the name of the Institute for any commercial or personal endeavor without prior approval is liable to disciplinary action.